Five Central Asian leaders likely to be chief guests for Republic Day 2022

Leaders of five Central Asian nations-Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan-are likely to be principal guests at India’s Republic Day festivity in 2022  Sources told India Moment that the matter was bandied on Sunday during the third meeting of the India-Central Asia Dialogue between External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and his counterparts representing the CA5 New Delhi had started reaching out to the nations to bandy the assignations through politic channels in the once weeks as well.

The meeting was attended by Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Mukhtar Tileuberdi, Foreign Minister of Kyrgyz Republic Ruslan Kazakbaev, Tajikistan Foreign Minister Sirojiddin Muhriddin, Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov and Foreign Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Mukhtar Tileuberdi also indicated to the visit of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev coming time in environment of fests of 30 times of establishment of politic relations between India and the five Central Asian nations.

“ We’re eager to maintain trusted political dialogue and look forward to organising a high- position visit of President Tokayev to India coming time that could coincide with the 30th anniversary of establishment of politic relations between our two countries,” said minister Tileuberdi during his opening remarks on Sunday Announcement Central Asia becomes veritably significant in view of the changing dynamics in the region owing to the situation in Afghanistan. India’s core enterprises were also bandied and addressed in detail on Sunday.

According to the common statement issued on Sunday after the conclusion of the India-Central Asia Dialogue, “ The sides bandied the current situation in Afghanistan and its impact on the region. The Ministers reiterated strong support for a peaceful, secure and stable Afghanistan while emphasizing the respect for sovereignty, concinnity and territorial integrity andnon-interference in its internal affairs.”

Jaishankar said, “ We must find ways of helping the people of Afghanistan The forum also decided to continue to give immediate philanthropic backing to the Afghan people.”The Ministers reaffirmed the significance of UNSC Resolution 2593 (2021) which unequivocally demands that Afghan home not be used for sheltering, training, planning or financing terrorist acts and called for combined action against all terrorist groups. The Ministers also agreed to continue close consultations on the situation in Afghanistan,” read the common statement.

The issue of terrorism was bandied at the forum. Without naming any country, the common statement read, “ The Ministers condemned terrorism in all its forms and instantiations and reiterated that furnishing safe haven, using terrorist delegates forcross-border terrorism, terror backing, arms and medicines dealing, dispersion of a radical testament and abuse of cyber space to spread intimation and incite violence, goes against the introductory principles of humanity and transnational relation They stressed that perpetrators, organizers, financiers and guarantors of terrorist acts must be held responsible and brought to justice in agreement with principle of’extradite or make’. In this environment, they called for early relinquishment of the UN Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism,” it added.

The leaders called on the transnational community to strengthenUN-led globalcounter-terrorism cooperation and completely apply the applicable UNSC judgments, GlobalCounter-Terrorism Strategy and FATF norms Piecemeal from enterprises, all areas of conjunctions and unborn cooperation were bandied during the match, ranginf from trade and connectivity, cooperation in the profitable sphere to invention, wisdom, technology, culture, philanthropic aspects and mortal eventuality.

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