
How to upgrade your masks in wake of rising Omicron cases; experts offer tips

Amid rising Omicron cases across the globe, medical experts have advised people to go for mask upgrade and replace their cloth face masks with N95 and FFP2 masks that offer further protection against the largely transmittable variants like Delta and Omicron. Piecemeal from this, experts have prompted people to use a well-befitting mask that covers the entire, nose, mouth and the area below the chin One can go for a right-befitting FFP2 mask which offers further protection than a surgical mask. In the wake of rising cases indeed double masking will be more useful than wearing a single mask, particularly for health care workers,”says Dr Harish Chafle, Senior Adviser-Pulmonology and Critical Care at Global Hospitals.

Health care workers and people at high threat of infection should continue to wear N95 mask at present. Surgical mask and cloth mask can also be used,”says Dr Vineeta Taneja-Director-Internal Medicine, Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh.

How a right-befitting mask can cover you better

Piecemeal from choosing the right mask, it’s inversely important to wear it duly to insure maximum protection against the contagion.

” Kindly insure the fit of the mask is right and there’s no leakage of air from any side. Using a double mask can surely increase the protection against the infection. Indeed though face mask don’t give 100 protection, a rightly used face mask does give significant protection against the spread of covid infections,”adds Dr Taneja.

How to wear the mask correctly

Dr Taneja says the face mask should cover the nose and mouth till the chin and bone should avoid touching the outside of the mask at all costs and also any part of the face when out-of-door.

Tips to keep in mind while using masks

* Use the string of the mask while putting it on or while removing it.

* Wash the cloth mask after every use.

* Discard the surgical mask after every use.

* Destroy N95 and surgical mask before discarding it to prevent reuse.

* Do not use a sanitizer over the mask.

* Do not exchange masks.

* Keep your mask separately.

One should clean hands with sanitizer first, also elect a right befitting mask, check the mask for any damage before wearing it. Also one should pinch the nose clip adequately on the nose to avoid air leak. Also do n’t forget to perform leak test after wearing the mask by blowing hard to see from where air is oohing,”says Dr Chafle The experts say that one should avoid lowering the mask while speaking with someone and shouldn’t touch the mask to acclimate it without drawing the hands with a sanitizer.

The right mask for children

The grown-up who’s furnishing the mask should make sure that the fabric of the mask is correct size and sufficiently covers the nose, mouth and chin of the child. (REUTERS) The grown-up who’s furnishing the mask should make sure that the fabric of the mask is correct size and sufficiently covers the nose, mouth and chin of the child. (REUTERS)
Dr Chafle says the children who are in general good health can wear anon-medical or fabric mask as this provides source control, which means that it keeps the contagion from being transmitted to others if they’re infected and aren’t apprehensive that they’re infected.

“The grown-up who’s furnishing the mask should make sure that the fabric of the mask is correct size and sufficiently covers the nose, mouth and chin of the child. Children who are suffering from health conditions similar as cystic fibrosis, cancer or immunosuppression, should, in discussion with their medical providers, wear a medical mask. A medical mask controls spreading of the contagion and protection to the wearer, and is recommended for anyone who’s at advanced threat of getting seriously ill from Covid-19,”says the expert.

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