
Are the ‘Harry Potter’ Movies on Netflix in 2022?

The Harry Potter pictures’ presence on Netflix comes and goes but eventually depends largely on where you live in the world. Then’s the presently streaming status of Harry Potter on Netflix and where you can find it if it’s not available as of 2022.

Before we begin, then’s some environment on what exactly Harry Potter is and who distributes it, as this will be important latterly on You ’re all presumably familiar with the Harry Potter flicks by now. The acclimatize theJ.K Rowling books across eight pictures that bring a combined$1.2 billion to make but ended up bringing in$7.7 billion at the box office. It features Daniel Radcliffe as the youthful wizard who heads to Hogwarts to discover he has a large part to play in the coming times.

Harry Potter is distributed solely by Warner Sisters except in the US where it vended off the rights as we ’ll get into shortly The series has also spawned a derivation ballot under the Fantastic Beasts name which also has mixed vacuity across Netflix.

Where is Harry Potter streaming on Netflix?

Then’s a breakdown of every Netflix region presently streaming any and all of the Harry Potter pictures. As always, this data comes from Unogs.

Title Region Available
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Spain
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Spain
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Spain
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Spain
Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Spain
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico

Other regions have streamed Harry Potter in the history. As you may know, Netflix will get the Harry Potter pictures under a license which means it pays for the pictures for a fixed quantum of time.

Then are a many significant times Netflix picked up the license in colorful regions.
In November 2018, Netflix in France and Belgium were donors of the eight Harry Potter pictures.

In January 2019, Netflix in Australia and New Zealand were donors of all eight pictures too. Still, they all departed in January 2020. They were readded to Netflix in August 2021 and are listed to expire again on January 15th, 2022. This could suggest we see themre-added again in a time or so again for a limited time.

Where is Harry Potter streaming in the United States?

The United States is maybe the strangest region when it comes to Harry Potter streaming.
That’s largely because Warner Sisters does n’t presently have direct control over the ballot. Rather, NBCUniversal bought the rights to both Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts back in 2016.

WB did manage to secure the rights to the movie ballot for the first month or so on its new streaming platform before it going back to Universal. The pictures also remained on Peacock presently showing the movie ballot through to Halloween 2020 Since 2021, the pictures are now resolve in the United States. That means both HBO Max and Peacock are both streaming the entire movie collection.

When the current deal with Universal concludes, we suspect WB will decide to keep it for HBO Max from also on making it near insolvable Netflix to certify the pictures despite carrying numerous other titles from WB’s back roster.
The Netflix DVD service is still in operation in the US, still, where you ’ll find all the pictures available on DVD and Blu- shaft.

Harry Potter Movies on Netflix in the UK

The United Kingdom has noway streamed Harry Potter either but unlike the US, it is n’t likely going to get the Warner Sisters streaming service, at least in the near future Rather, Warner Sisters has a close relationship with Sky ( lately renewed for another 5 times) who operates its NowTV platform who rotates Harry Potter on and off the service. As of the streamlined publish date (April 2020), the entire ballot is available on NowTV ITV regularly runsre-runs of the pictures on terrestrial Television in the UK too.

Why Harry Potter may stop coming to Netflix globally

Although some regions do get Harry Potter, we suspect that will sluggishly stop being the case over the coming decade or so That’s because WB is going toe-to-toe with Netflix with its own HBO Max platform. As it expands encyclopedically, it ’ll begin taking back rights to its licenses and stop empowering them o

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